How to Download Your NSLDS File from

The first step to clearing your Federal student loans in bankruptcy is to get your student loan history. That means you need to know how to download your NSLDS file. Downloading your NSLDS file from is the first step to discharging your student loans in...

Guide to Your Rights under Virginia Garnishment forms

This link dc451 is the Virginia garnishment summons. The hearing date in the upper right is the STOP date, not the start date, for the garnishment. This next form dc454 is the form you can use at that stop date, or before, to get your garnished money...

Getting Ready for Your Court Prep Appointment

To get your bankruptcy officially started, you need to sign the papers that we have typed up for you. Then we send them electronically to the bankruptcy court. (We type those papers based on what you gave us on our forms, what you told us at our meetings, and what...

You don’t want to do what I’m telling you here.

You don’t want to get a car loan right after filing bankruptcy. If you can wait two years, you can get a fairly good car loan: interest in the 6%-8% range. Three years, really good: 2% to 3%. (This assumed you work hard to build up new good credit.) You don’t want to,...

A scanner for your phone

If you need to send us documents through our portal (or email), here’s a recommended free scanner for your phone. It’s Adobe Scan. It’s free on the Ap Store or Google Play. I use it. It’s recommended by the Wirecutters tech column at the New York Times. You use the...

Am I Eligible to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Virginia?

Your answer FREE! (We can talk this over by phone, when you’re ready.) For most people, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is best. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy your debts can be gone, and you can be on your way back to good credit in four months. When people ask, am I eligible for...